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E-brochureInfection and Host Defense (Endowed Department)

Master's Program Human Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine
Doctor's Program Medical Science Division, Department of Medical Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Science and Technology

Staff List

Professor TAKAMOTO Masaya
Associate Professor NOROSE Kazumi

Summary of Activity

Zoonosis exists around us, and influences on our health and foods. We aim to conquer the zoonosis, research on the parasite infection as follows is now being carried out.

Research Subject

  • ? New strategy on peptide vaccination therapy of Toxoplasma gondii.
  • ? Defense mechanism against intestinal nematodes.
  • ? Enterobacterial flora and colon cancer.
  • ? Zoonosis

Outlook for Research

Prevention of a severe disease such as congenital toxoplasmosis is a goal of our study.

Major Publications

1. 高本雅哉, 中川道隆,田澤浩一,池田修一,小栁清光,後藤哲哉,吉澤明彦,山﨑浩:軽度の運動性失語を伴った脳マンソン孤虫症の1例.Clinical Parasitology,25:92-94, 2014

2. 高本雅哉、金山敦宏、梅本紗央里、小野岳史、加來浩器、山口陽子、宮平靖、赤尾信明、大西健児、中村(内山)ふくみ、小林米幸、佐山理絵、高山英次、竹内勤、三浦左千夫、千種雄一、量倫子:在留外国人におけるトキソプラズマ罹患状況.Clinical Parasitology,21:93-96, 2010

3. 伊藤路子, 青木見佳子, 高本雅哉, 松岡裕之, 川名誠司:お好み焼き粉に繁殖したコナヒョウヒダニによる即時型アレルギーの1例.皮膚科の臨床,52:561-564,2010

4. 高本雅哉、菅根一男、金井信一郎、宮平靖:長野県における輸入糞線虫症の再興.Clinical Parasitology,20:48-50, 2009

5. Hida S, Yamasaki S, Sakamoto Y, Takamoto M, Obata K, Takai T, Karasuyama H, Sugane K, Saito T, Taki S:Fc receptor γ-chain, a constitutive component of the IL-3 receptor, is required for IL-3-induced IL-4 production in basophils. Nat Immunol 10:214-22, 2009.

6. Hu T, Takamoto M, Hida S, Tagawa YI, Sugane K:IFN-γ deficiency worsen Pneumocystis pneumonia with Th17 development in nude mice. Immunol Lett 127:55-59, 2009.

7. Jin D, Takamoto M, Hu T, Taki S, Sugane K:STAT6 signalling is important in CD8(+) T-cell activation and defence against Toxoplasma gondii infection in the brain.

8. Harada T, Takamoto M, Jin DH, Tada T, Sugane K: Young C3H mice infected with Toxoplasma gondii are a novel experimental model of communicating hydrocephalus. Neurol Res 29: 615-21, 2007.

9. Ding K, Shibui A, Wang Y, Takamoto M, Matsuguchi T, Sugane K:Impaired recognition by Toll-like receptor 4 is responsible for exacerbated murine Pneumocystis pneumonia. Microb Infect 7: 195-203, 2005.

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