
Issued/edited by: The Office of Public Relations,Shinshu UniversityAsahi 3-1-1 Matsumoto-shi, Nagano Prefecture URL: /E-mail: shinhp@shinshu-u.ac.jp@ShinshuUniUniversity Emblem: The Komakusa flowerUniversity LogoThe symbol features the letter “S” for Shinshu incorporated into an image of a noble bird that flies heroically in the skies over Shinshu. The three feathers comprising the wing represent the three tenets of the University: Education, Research, and Social Contribution. Together they form the dynamic image of a bird flying through the world of international society. At the same time, the symbol represents Nature, Society, and the Individual combining to move forward into the future. The color gradation from light to deep green symbolizes the vital force of the nature of Shinshu, and our aspirations for the growth of our students and the further development of the University.Shinshu University adopted the Komakusa as the motif on its lapel badge in 1950. Since then, the motif has become familiar to many people. In March 2010, the University redesigned the motif to make a new University emblem.The report can be accessed from the Publications page of Shinshu University’s official website.Scan the QR code to read the report.INTEGRATED REPORT2022By combining financial information, such as accounts and financial statements, with other kinds of data in a single document, this report provides the University’s stakeholders with a comprehensive summary of Shinshu Univer-sity’s past, current and future performance as a creator of 2022.Published October, 2023Shinshu University, National University Corporation

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