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2016.06.29 学会告知

フランス、グルノーブル工科大学よりMarian Chatenet教授を招き、X-Breed特別セミナーを企画いたしました。

日 時: 平成28年9月15日
場 所: 繊維学部 講義室28
世話人: 杉本 渉
講 師: Marian Chatenet教授(Grenoble Institute of Technology, France)
題 目: 「Durability issues in low-temperature fuel cells: from systems operated on the field to model accelerated stress test」

概 要: Proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) performances decay upon operation: the data obtained from several experimental campaigns in collaboration with Axane/Air Liquide demonstrated that the materials degradations are not homogeneous within a PEMFC. Three distinct levels of degradation heterogeneities affect the cathode active layer. The degradations are neither homogeneous along the gas channels of the bipolar plates (BP), nor along the active layer thickness. In the particular case of repeated start/stop and associated fuel-starvation events, harsher degradation is observed for the cathode regions facing the anode regions located under the land of the BP. Finally, not all the cells operate and age in the same manner at the stack level. In any case, the degradations are strongly linked to the materials composing the MEA, but also depend on the fluidics of the cell. The degradation of the PtM/C catalysts in PEMFC operation (associated with the preferential leaching of the non-noble element, M = Co or Ni) enables to propose a strategy to elaborate highly active and durable Pt-based electrocatalysts for the cathode: hollow-Pt nanoparticles.

講演者略歴: Marian Chatenet currently holds a professor position at Grenoble Institute of Technology (Grenoble-INP, France), in the engineer school of physics, electronics and materials sciences (Phelma). He also is a junior member of the French University Institute (IUF) and editor of Journal of Power Sources.
Marian Chatenet has graduated from the engineer school of electrochemistry of Grenoble in 1997, and then obtained a PhD in electrochemistry in 2000. After a 18-month post-doctoral internship in the University of Minnesota (USA), he joined Grenoble-INP in 2002 and developed activities in the field of electrocatalysis for low-temperature fuel cells and electrolyzers. His research interests are centered on the determination of complex reaction mechanisms, e.g. of PEMFC materials degradation and electrooxidation of complex fuels in alkaline environments. He published 7 book chapters, 111 publications in peer-reviewed journals, 4 patents and gave 157 communications in (inter)national conference with acts (29 invited).