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信州大学長 中村 宗一郎

Shinshu University Environmental Policy

Basic Philosophy

   To contribute to the protection and preservation of the irreplaceable global environment, Shinshu University is dedicated to the realization of a sustainable society in which people and nature co-exist in harmony (SDGs) through a broad range of activities in areas such as international exchange and social contribution, including education, research, and medical care.

Basic Policy

   We are committed to promoting the following initiatives in cooperation with all members of the University and its stakeholders in close collaboration with the relevant domestic and international organizations and groups.

  1. While taking advantage of the University's unique location in Shinshu, a region blessed with a rich natural environment, we seek to give the fruits of environment-related education and research activities gained here back to the local community and society, and then to disseminate these both domestically and internationally.

  2. In addition to education and research, we strive to nurture environmentally-minded individuals through a variety of activities in areas such as international exchange and social contribution, including medical care.

  3. We will ensure strict compliance with the relevant environmental laws and regulations while continuously working to improve our environmental management system to protect the environment, reduce environmental impact, and prevent pollution.

This basic policy will serve as a guideline for the activities of our faculty, staff, and students. It will be documented and made available to the general public to ensure its dissemination among all the groups and individuals involved with the University.

October 1, 2021 

Soichiro Nakamura, President

Shinshu University