2018年-理学療法学専攻 学術論文など(総説?原著)

  1. Nishizawa H, Matsukiyo A, Shiba N, Koinuma M, Nakamura A: The effect of wearing night splints for one year on the standing motor function of patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Journal of Physical Therapy Science 30: 576-579, 2018.

  2. Nishizawa H, Takahashi H, Aoki K, Kosho T, Inaba Y, Nakamura A: Examining the Validity of Efforts of the Muscular Dystrophy Medical Network in Nagano: A Questionnaire Study. The Shinshu Medical Journal 66: 205-212, 2018.

  3. Nishizawa H, Shiba N, Nakamura A: Importance of long-term motor function evaluation of prednisolone treatment for Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Journal of Physical Therapy Science 30: 1211-1214, 2018.

  4. Koyama S, Tensho K, Shimodaira H, Iwaasa T, Horiuch H, Kato H, Saito N: A case of prefemoral fat pad impingement syndrome caused by hyperplastic fat pad. Case Reports in Orthopedics 2018: 3583049, 2018.

  5. Kuroda C, Ueda K, Haniu H, Ishida H, Okano S, Takizawa T, Sobajima A, Kamanaka T, Yoshida K, Okamoto M, Tsukahara T, Matsuda Y, Aoki K, Kato H, Saito N: Different aggregation and shape characteristics of carbon materials affect biological responses in RAW264 cells. Int J Nanomedicine 5: 6079-6088, 2018.

  6. Natori K, Nishizawa H, Kuroiwa N, Kimura T: Comparing effects of unilateral and bilateral toe tapping training on skill and brain activity in healthy people. Asian confederation for physical therapy congress 2018, Cebu, Philippine, November, 2018.

  7. Nishikawa R, Kimura T, Nishizawa H, Tajiri M, Takahashi S, Kato M, Hoshi K : Suitable Visual Cues for Gait Disturbances in Patients with Parkinson's Disease: An Exploratory Study. Asian confederation for physical therapy congress 2018, Cebu, Philippine, November, 2018.

  8. Nishizawa H, Kimura T : Enhancement of motor skill learning by a combination of ideal model observation and self-observation. Asian confederation for physical therapy congress 2018, Cebu, Philippine, November, 2018.

  9. Okamoto M, Kito M, Yoshimura Y, Aoki K, Suzuki S, Tanaka A, Takazawa A, Yoshida K, Kato H: The status quo of treatment and clinical outcomes for patients over 80 years of age with high-grade soft tissue sarcoma: report from the soft tissue tumor registry in Japan. Jpn J Clin Oncol 1: 900-905, 2018.

  10. Omodaka T, Minagawa A, Uhara H, Wakamatsu K, Koizumi T, Yokokawa Y, Koga H, Okuyama R: Serum 5-S-cysteinyldopa behavior in the early phase of nivolumab treatment of 12 melanoma patients. J Dermatol. 45: 1340-1344 2018.

  11. Shimodaira H, Tensho K, Akaoka Y, Koyama S, Maruyama M, Kato H, Saito N: The acetabular fossa may not be located at the true center of the acetabulum: a detailed analysis using preoperative CT images. J Bone Joint Surg Am 100: e27, 2018.

  12. Takizawa T, Nakayama N, Haniu H, Aoki K, Okamoto M, Nomura H, Tanaka M, Sobajima A, Yoshida K, Kamanaka T, Ajima K, Oishi A, Kuroda C, Ishida H, Okano S, Kobayashi S, Kato H, Saito N: Titanium Fiber Plates for Bone Tissue Repair. Adv Mater 30: 2018.

  13. Tensho K, Shimodaira H, Akaoka Y, Koyama S, Hatanaka D, Ikegami S, Kato H, Saito N: Lateralization of the tibial tubercle in recurrent patellar dislocation: verification using multiple evaluative methods for the tibial tubercle. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 100: e58, 2018.

  14. Tokutake C, Haga A, Sakaguchi K, Samejima A, Yoneyama M, Yokokawa Y, Ohira M, Ichikawa M, Kanai M: Infant Suffocation Incidents Related to Co-Sleeping or Breastfeeding in the Side-Lying Position in Japan. Tohoku J Exp Med. 246: 121-130, 2018.

  15. 五味諒,牛山直子,伊藤悠紀,黒部恭史,飯田祥吾,小林雄太,百瀬公人:低頻度介護予防教室における高強度ウォーキング指導の効果と継続率.理学療法188bet体育_188bet备用网址?長野46:6-8,2018.

  16. 黒崎真樹,百瀬公人:握力?鍵ピンチ力1回測定の信頼性と真の変化をどう判断するか.作業療法 37:529-536,2018.

  17. 青木 薫,岡本正則,加藤博之,吉村康夫,石垣範雄,畑 幸彦:腱板断裂を合併した上腕骨大結節骨内ガングリオンの1例. 中部日本整形外科災害外科学会雑誌61:969-970, 2018.

  18. 牧山文亮,吉村康夫,岡本正則,青木 薫,鬼頭宗久,加藤博之:重粒子線照射にて治療した仙骨未分化多型肉腫の1例. 中部日本整形外科災害外科学会雑誌61:81-82, 2018.

  19. 鈴木周一郎,鬼頭宗久,高沢 彰,岡本正則,青木 薫,吉村康夫:悪性軟部腫瘍切除後の分層植皮片固定に陰圧閉鎖療法を用いた治療経験. 中部日本整形外科災害外科学会雑誌61:33-34, 2018.

  20. 齋門良紀,龍崎大地,赤羽弘泰,清水謙次郎,大羽明美,百瀬公人,Goh Ah-Cheng,三好圭,向山啓二郎:女性脊柱変形患者における矢状面アライメント,脊柱?下肢の関節可動域?筋力とQuality of lifeとの関連 pilot study.理学療法188bet体育_188bet备用网址?長野46:16-19,2018.